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Meer artikelen van Eric
De popelaars (2016)
De mooiste momenten uit de ABCD popelmiddag waarop je kunt zien dat mensen popelen om aan de slg te gaan met communitybuilding!
The Worm story (2015)
The Worm Story of John McKnight “I love to go to the West of Ireland to the little villages. Last year we rented a little house there with a lake nearby. I love fish and want...
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The Connected Community Two Day Retreat in Canada
The Connected Community Facilitators Retreat with Cormac Russell 26th & 27th July 2023 Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada The post The Connected Community Two...
Jonathan Massimi – Nurture Development Associate in Canada
Every year, I follow a “maintenance schedule” which includes a trip to the optometrist. Based on my current mileage, it was suggested that I invest in multifocal lenses. When I...